What is Transformational Hypnotherapy?
Transformational Hypnotherapy is a rapid, effective, individualized and, deep approach to facilitate your wellness using and combining the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP (neurolinguistic programming), and CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy).
How can Transformational Hypnotherapy benefit you?
Transformational Hypnotherapy assists you in your journey, guides and helps you achieve permanent change from your struggles, and helps you heal from physical and emotional pain by retraining your core beliefs, values, habits, and emotions in the subconscious mind.
What does Transformational Hypnotherapy cost?
An entire transformational hypnotherapy session typically lasts 90-120 minutes. The fee for this is $422 per session (if the session takes longer than 120 minutes you will be not charged an additional fee). Virginia is focused on a quality session with outstanding results!
A transformational hypnotherapy session includes the following:
- 30 min discovery call to get to know each other
- 40 min consultation call after filling out the intake form
- 90-120 min hypnosis session
- A transformational recording of 20-30 min
- 20 min check-up call on the first day after the session and receive the recording
- 20 min follow-up call after 7 days
- 20 min follow-up call 21 days
- 20 min follow-up call 33 days
- 20 min follow-up call 44 days
- 20 min follow-up call 66 days
Some issues require more than one session, but this will be decided together with Virginia during the free consultation call.
The fee for counseling and transformational therapy (not hypnosis) is 115$ per session (60-75 minutes).

How does Transformational Hypnotherapy work?
By reprogramming your brain’s neural pathways, Transformational Hypnotherapy uses different tools to replace your outdated belief systems and negative behavior patterns that keep you stuck. New life-affirming beliefs are built, and the healing process can begin.
Recovery Process
Ready for a New You?
Step 1
Schedule a free consultation.
Schedule your free consultation with Virginia by filling out the intake form on the contact page. Also accessible here.

Step 2
Finding the best
solution for you.
After the consultation, Virginia will put together a personalized plan that will help achieve fast and effective results.
Breakthroughs are achieved by understanding and fixing the root cause, rather than just addressing the symptoms of the presenting issue. This is why Transformational Therapy has such a permanent all-pervasive impact, as it erases and eradicates issues at the core for life-changing benefits.
All Transformational Therapy therapists are equipped with an array of techniques and tools that are crucial, not just in teaching how to communicate with the subconscious mind, but also directly accessing and fixing whatever blockages there may be and reprogramming your mind for success.
Because Transformational Therapy is a complete solution based approach, it can be used in many different ways. Transformational Therapy can achieve phenomenal success helping people overcome all kinds of challenges, including physical health issues, infertility, depression, anxiety, weight management, fears and phobias.
Transformational Therapy embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, known to produce a transformative effect on clients. However the Transformational Therapy method goes beyond traditional hypnotherapy, diagnosing what works best with clients to build a new highly effective therapeutic approach.
Anyone that wants to be hypnotized can in fact be hypnotized. The exception would be the person that can’t follow the suggestions well enough. Mentally challenged people with an IQ bellow 70 may not be able to be hypnotized as they may not be able to focus and follow the suggestions. New research shows that it is COGNITIVE STYLE not BRAIN STRUCTURE that determines who can be hypnotized and how deep they may go.
Yes. The catholic church and most mainstream denominations of Christianity accepts hypnotherapy as a legitimate therapeutic tool.
People who have heard of Transformational Therapy, but not experienced it for themselves, sometimes think it’s similar to Neuro-Linguistic Processing (NLP).
It’s true that both NLP and Transformational Therapy can teach you how to better dialogue with your mind, and understand the difference between what your subconscious and conscious mind believe. However, Transformational Therapy has the added—and crucial—step of also directly accessing and fixing whatever blocks may be there. Using specific Transformational Therapy methods, clients are able to reach breakthroughs that would not be possible with other techniques.
Transformational Therapy offers a comprehensive range of transformational techniques, including command therapy, to activate the body’s innate ability to heal and restore itself to wellness from a cellular level.
Science has proven with neuroplasticity that we can actually rewire our minds, which is why it has the most powerful potential on the planet. Using Transformational Therapy to access the almighty subconscious mind, we can create new neural pathways and replace old limiting beliefs and behaviors with new empowering ones.
Hypnotherapy has been the most effective type of healing therapy for thousands of years. Transformational hypnotherapy helps get to and erase issues at the core , fixing the root cause rather than addressing the symptoms of the presenting problem. Through an array of tools and techniques we teach how to communicate with subconscious mind and access and fix whatever blockages there may be and reprogram the mind. One transformational hypnotherapy session can sometimes be the equivalent of 10-15 talk therapy sessions!
Not at all !! Hypnosis itself is not harmful in any way as it is a natural state of consciousness! Sometimes described as a trance-like state that isn’t all that uncommon. If you ever zoned out while watching a movie or day dreaming you’ve been in a similar trance-like state. Transformational hypnotherapy doesn’t involve swaying pocket watches and isn’t practiced on stage as part of an entertainment act.
No. No medical services, no diagnosing medical diseases or disorders , no treating any specific physical medical disease or disorder.
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